Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Birthday Schenanigans in Amsterdam, Brussels, and Bruges

This past week I celebrated my 21st birthday with some of my best friends from my abroad program and could not have asked for a better celebration. Instead of a top 10 I have 21 stories from the trip!

1. Easter – Right before we departed for Amsterdam we first had to celebrate Easter and it was the first time ever I was not celebrating it with my family. A few of us got to experience Italian mass at the Duomo that morning and then we came back to our dorm and made a huge brunch feast which included eggs, sausage, fruit, French toast, and chocolate. After that we headed to the park to enjoy the nice weather and celebrate the holiday.

2. Train at 4 am - My flight to Amsterdam was the first flight out of the airport that morning at 6 am... meaning I had to be out of my dorm at 3:45 am to catch the train that would take me to the airport at 4:15. I hadn't fallen asleep till 1 am the night before so it was more of a nap I took rather than actually getting sleep.

3. Hair and makeup at airport - When I landed in the Amsterdam airport we taxied around for 30 min before they let us off the plane. My Wi-Fi wasn't working and I was supposed to be meeting up with two of my girlfriends, Analise and Janelle. I texted them and thought they hadn't landed yet because they weren't responding so I went to the bathroom to get ready for the day since I did not want to do that at 3 am. 30 min later I finally got a text from them saying where we should meet and was able to find them with no problems. I later found out that they had landed before me and had been waiting the whole time... They had also gotten up early so they hadn't gotten ready which meant Janelle still had her retainers in! They were not happy to find out that I had gotten ready... oops!

4. Wrong train - We decided to go right to the Anne Frank House because we heard that if you get there in the morning the line is not too long. We had to take a train from the airport into the city and could not figure out the right train.  We picked what we thought was the right train and then asked a lady if it was right and she said yes. Then right before the doors closed this guy goes you're on the wrong train... He was standing there the whole time when the lady told us it was the 'right' train! Not sure why he waited till the last minute to tell us it was the wrong one.

5. Leave me in line at Anne Frank - We got to the Anne Frank House and it was a two and a half hour wait to get in. Analise and Janelle decided to drop all of our luggage off at our Hostel because it was only 15 min from Anne Frank. When they got there they decided to 'freshen up' since I had already done that the airport. They ended up leaving me in line for almost the whole time! Luckily I had my headphones so it wasn't too bad. The Anne Frank House was such an experience. The house was a lot smaller than I could have ever imagined and it made the whole story real and not just something you learn about in school. I imagined what it would have been like to live in that house for two years and I have no idea how Anne didn't go crazy. I need sun, air and room to run around. The darkness and small corridors mixed with all the people made us all realize how amazing it was that they lasted for two years in hiding. It was also interesting to think about how most girls when they are younger keep a journal but never would you imagine that not only would it be read by everyone across the world but also could change the world.  The most interesting part of the museum was how Otto Frank said the Secret Annex, after the war, was to remain empty since during the war the houses of deported Jews were stripped of their contents, which were sent to Germany. It was to represent the emptiness left by the millions of people who were taken away and never returned.

6. Food - After the museum we realized how hungry we were so we indulged in some Amsterdam specialties... a hot dog and fries which were just what we were craving. Of course we ended the meal with some ice cream and it was so different from the gelato we’ve been getting in Italy. We then went and met our other girlfriend Alex at the hostel who was meeting up with us.

7. Dinner and Drinks - After a little catch up with Alex we made our way to dinner which had been recommended by the hostel. We had to wait about a half hour but it was so worth it. I got mashed potatoes with leek, a sausage, a meatball and bacon. Alex, Analise, and I then went and grabbed some beers at a local pub and sat out on the street talking and enjoying the night. I know I always say this but its nights like these that I will never forget.

8. Keufenhof Garden - the next day we adventured to Keufenhof gardens which my grandma told us we had to visit. Even though it was a bit expensive the views/smells were totally worth the expense. Keufenhof, which is also known as the Garden of Europe, is the world’s largest flower garden with approximately 7 million flower bulbs covering about 79 acres. There were so many tulips and different kinds of flowers scattered throughout the gardens - it was breathtaking. The aroma of the place filled your nose and the bright colors would catch your eye with every corner you turned. Across the garden there were acres of tulips that were privately owned so naturally, we jumped the creek to go take some pictures of these flowers. Unlike everyone else who was walking around the flowers, we stepped through them all and then proceeded to get yelled at by the owner in Dutch who was not happy with us. He was so mad that he actually shooed us out of there.

9. Grocery store - after the tulip gardens we explored the city a little more. Amsterdam was exactly what I expected it to be. Filled with tiny canals, people on bikes, and of course plenty of little shops and food places. We then had to make our way to the train station to get on our train to Brussels but first I wanted to run to the grocery store to get some alcohol since I was turning 21 that night. The hostel told me the grocery store was pretty close so I started was NOT CLOSE! By the time I got to the grocery store I was supposed to be leaving for the train station. I started searching the grocery store for any kind of alcohol and could only find wine. I found 4 German boys about my age and asked if they knew where the alcohol was.  They said they didn't but when I explained that I was about to miss my train and it was almost my 21st birthday (which required alcohol) they offered to help me search. So there we were, 5 of us foreigners frantically running around this grocery store asking people, who don't speak English, where is the alcohol. We couldn't find any so I ended up grabbing some wine and heading to the checkout. After being asked to see my id (since they apparently care about the drinking age there, which is 18), I asked the worker why they had no alcohol and she said it was downstairs. I SPRINTED downstairs grabbed a bottle and headed to the line that was.... 20 PEOPLE LONG. There was no way I would make the train but I needed the alcohol. I then explained to the people in line that it was almost my 21st, which is a big deal in the states, and I was about to miss my train. They also didn’t speak English (they spoke French and Dutch) so I started speaking French and luckily remembered how to sing Happy Birthday in French! Hearing the song they were able to understood what I was saying and they all let me skip them in line. I got to the front and the man at the counter said how he heard it was my 21st and isn't it a big deal to be asked to see your id on your 21st? And of course I said yes so he he did just that and the whole store thought that was so funny for some reason... Then as I was sprinting out, the entire store, including workers, German boys, and everyone in line wished me a Happy Birthday. After, I had to sprint to the train which we made just in time.

10. Midnight celebrating - That night, after getting picked up at the train station by our airbnb man, Charles, we went to a bar to grab a few drinks and ring in my birthday. I chugged a beer right at midnight and one the way home we stopped at a kebab place  to end a perfect day/night.

11. Breakfast - the next morning, on my actual birthday, I had the breakfast of champions my dad said: A Belgium waffle and a beer.

12. Birkenstock’s– We walked around all morning shopping, eating and checked out the Grand Place which is the center area of Brussels. We have all been wanting to buy a pair of Birkenstocks and ended up finding them at a foot doctor. So here we are… three American girls buying Birks at a Belgium foot doctor. They were quite confused why we were there…

13. Finding Emma - Now Emma had been in Croatia for the past 8 days and was supposed to meet us on my birthday in Brussels. Her dedication to getting to me for my birthday goes above and beyond what any friend should do. She ended up having to travel 36 hours and didn't get sleep but still was able to run and jump on me when we were reunited. She found out that the 8 hour bus she was supposed to take to the airport wasn't running when she needed it causing her to take multiple taxis, buses, a 4 hour stay in a hostel and then a couple hours on a flight. Oh and then another taxi ride into the city of Brussels because she didn't want to take another bus. When I saw her I actually started crying and running to her because I was so worried she wouldn't get there and couldn't imagine celebrating without the fourth member of our group (of course we were missing Annie but she was traveling with her parents).

14. Shopped around and thrift store - After dropping Emma's stuff off at the airbnb and letting her freshen up we explored more of the city and ended up at this thrift store our girlfriends had told us about. I was not in the mood for shopping (shocker I know) but instead was more interested in having Emma try on weird things and just laugh at her. Of course she let me do this since it was my birthday.

15. Birthday Dinner - That night we went to a fabulous restaurant Charles had recommended. I had the Belgium sampler which was two meatballs, one with tomato type sauce and the other gravy. Then I had some type of beef with sauce and some fries on the side. We had the best Belgium beer and then my girlfriends told them it was my birthday and they brought out this huge dessert with a sparkler in it and they all sang me happy birthday.

16. Delirium - After being extremely full from dinner, we made our way to a bar a friend had recommended called Delirium where they have over 2,000 types of beer. My girlfriends had bought me a boa and tiara that they made me wear that night.  I wanted to wear something weird like this little red monkey type hat but they said "We have to be strategic about what we have her wear. Whatever she wears she ends up acting like that." I guess they didn't want me to act like a monkey that night? I went up to the bar to get the first round and asked the bar tender what kind of beer I should get and she said, "For you honey, this kind." It ended up being this pink beer which was cheery flavor and it was fabulous. We were able to meet up with one our guy friends from our program and his friend who is also studying in Milan with us.

17.Fries - after Delirium we decided we needed a little more food in our stomachs so we stopped at the fry shop right by our apartment. Emma proceeded to steal so many different sauces and woke up even with about 8 kinds in her purse. We still have no idea how she stole the sauces considering she must have gone behind the counter and snuck them...

18. Bruges - The next morning we did not leave the apartment till 2 pm.... We quick grabbed some breakfast/lunch at the Asian place and I was somehow able to keep it down. We then made our way to the train station to go to Bruges, a town about an hour train ride from Brussels. None of us could get the machine to work to buy the tickets and no one was helping us. When people did help us they ended up yelling at us in many different languages. It took us 25 minutes to get our train tickets.

19. Starbucks - When we got to Bruges we found heaven: Starbucks. I ordered a caramel frappechino and when it came I tried a sip and it did not taste right. I showed Analise who looked at the side and it had a weird word so we asked the workers if that meant Mocca? One of the workers then realized that his associated had given me 'Mattiew’s' drink and my drink was the next one in line. The lady working was not happy when she found out that I drank a drink and she would have to make a new one. Oops.

20. Ear piercing - We then got to Bruges and walked around exploring the city, eating, taking pictures and of course shopping. I decided that I wanted something to remember abroad/my birthday so I got my ears triple pierced at... Claire’s. Who would have thought this small little city would have a Clair’s. The city of Bruges is so quaint and filled with little streets, buildings. canals, and a lot of carriages carrying people around the city. There was even a park with a pond filled with Swans. Bruges is apparently sometimes referred to as “The Venice of the North,” which I could see because the streets were quite and there were a lot of canals.

21. Mexican restaurant - When we got back to our apartment that night after Bruges, Charles had made us a vegetable quiche, with a salad and fruit. Analise, Emma and I decided to go get some appetizers and a drink after that though. We ended up at this Mexican pub that had the front part open so it felt like we were outside but also inside. We ordered margaritas, the most amazing mac and cheese I have ever had and tapas. We then just sat there and talked with each other. Emma still hadn't gotten a Belgium waffle so we made our way to a waffle shop after and enjoyed it sitting in the middle of the Grand Place square. The next morning Emma and I left before Alex and Analise and headed back to Milan.

My birthday went way to fast and I'm not sure how my birthday next year can top this one. My friends, the places we went, the food we ate, the drinks we drank and the memories we shared will always make this one of my favorite birthdays. I wouldn't have changed a thing about it. So a huge shout out to everyone, across the world even, who wished me a happy birthday and wanted to hear all about it. But an even bigger shout out goes to those who celebrated with me in Amsterdam/Brussels and also those who celebrated with me when I came back to Milan. I love you all and have realized how grateful I am to have the best friends and family not only here in Milan but back at home! Until next time!
Flowers from Keufenhof
Sitting in the middle of some flowers at Keufenhof
Flowers at Keufenhof
My mom said I had to take a picture in the wooden shoes so here ya go!
Little things like a well, a windmill, and creeks where scattered throughout the Keufenhof gardens
Right before we got yelled at to get out of the flowers
A different owner owned these acres luckily
The tulips were HUGE at the Keufenhof gardens
The famous I amsterdam letters
Everyone takes a picture with a letter that their name starts with so I made the letters work for my name
I don't have any pictures with the fries so I'm using the one I took of Alex to show you that I had about 5 of those throughout the week... totally worth the calories
Canals in Amsterdam
Secretly took a picture of Anne Frank's original diary
Streets of Bruges
Right before the ear piercing
Emma took about 50 pictures and my mother loves my face in this one...
Canals in Bruges
More canals in Bruges

A beautiful forest and park we found in Bruges
Belgium is known for their excellent beer so there were thousands of shops just like this one all over Belgium
City Center of Bruges
City center of Bruges
Emma and I chilling in Bruges
Right when I turned 21 in Brussels
My first Belgium waffle
Emma's hat in the thrift store. This picture still makes me start laughing 

My dinner from my birthday and below is the dessert with the sparkler in it

Alex and I

Analise and I
Birthday girl and her pink beer
Emma and I
Couldn't ask for better friends. Miss you Annie!
Last Belgium waffle

Monday, April 21, 2014

Friends and Italy

 I have stayed in Italy this past month and have loved every second of it. I started out with a trip to Alghero Sardinia with some friends from my program and then headed to Rome to be reunited with my Madison friends. I can't believe that my birthday is in just three days.. which means that the semester is coming to an end. But for my birthday I am headed to Amsterdam and Brussels which means waffles on waffles on waffles. Here is my top 10!

1. Midterm. For the month of April, I haven't had school because of midterms for the first two weeks and then spring break for the last two weeks. Midterms meant that I actually had to study. While all of my friends were off gallivanting around the world I had to study for my midterm which made it extremely difficult to focus because I wanted to join them so badly. But, I pulled through and brought my butt to the library every day to study for some social responsibility which is an Ethics class I am currently taking.

2. Bike rides. Completing the midterm meant that spring break had officially started. We were starting off with a trip to Sardinia, Italy which is the second largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and is an autonomous region of Italy. We were staying at an airbnb which ended up being a villa siting in the middle of an olive oil plantation. It was absolutely breathtaking when the sun would set and you would look out over the patio onto all the trees and surrounding area. There were ten boys in one of the apartments and then us three girls had a six bedroom apartment to ourselves. Myself and two others, who took the midterm with me, arrived two days after everyone else so they had everything figured out for us when we arrived. We didn't get there till 11:30 that night but when we got there I could not have been more excited to be reunited with Emma and Annie. The next day we woke up and had to go rent our bikes. We were staying about 2 maybe 3 km from the main part of Alghero (the city we were staying at in Sardinia) so everyone had rented bikes to get to the grocery store, beach, etc. Well we went to rent our bikes, 5 of us, and then were told that we were going to take a little bike ride to see these amazing cliffs and Neptune's Grotto which is a stalactite cave. So we started out with 9 boys and myself... slowly but surely we started losing people (long story) so it ended up being 5 of the guys and me. Now I was under the impression this adventure would take a few hours and we would be back in time for lunch. I was so wrong. It took us SEVEN HOURS. It was about a 40 km bike ride through Alghero which included hills, hills, and wait for it... hills. I surprised myself though because I led the pack for majority of the trip. To help us get through the agonizing pain we kept experiencing, one of the boys had brought speakers with to listen to music and then I would always ask another one for motivation when needed. As horrible as the trip sounds the whole time we got to witness amazing views. We were biking through the country side, weaving through the streets along the water and of course making our way upwards to the top of the 110 meter high Cap Caccia cliffs. Once we finally got to our destination we were dying. To get to the grotto you have to take a stairway that is cut into the cliff which entails walking 654 steps one way to get to the entrance. The grotto was amazing. They told us that 1 cm of stalactite takes a couple 100 years to grow. After the tour of the grotto we started climbing the stairs back and then had to make the whole bike ride home which was so much easier since it was majority downhill. That night Anthony and Nick made us girls a wonderful meal and then all 13 of us played some card games and hung out getting to know each other better.

3. Burgers by the pool. The next day our bodies were dead. I had a horrible tan line on my back from my tank top and backpack I had been wearing during the bike ride, which the boys said looked like an angel tattoo or something that a biker gang would get tattooed on their back. We decided to take it easy that day and grab some burgers, brats and hot dogs from the grocery store and grill out by the pool. Relaxing in the middle of the plantation, with a pool all to ourselves and eating food that felt like home was the perfect spring break day. The pool was extremely cold since it was not heated and the weather was just starting to get nice so the only time you ever went in the pool was after a bike ride, if you were too hot from tanning or to jump in while someone threw you the football to catch.

4. Dinner with everyone. That night we had to get rid of all our food so we did a huge pot luck dinner and two of the boys were able to make a bunch of different things with everyone’s ingredients and it felt like a family dinner. I contributed by making the meat plate for an appetizer, setting the table with the others girls and then doing the dishes. No idea how by doing the dishes it ended with me getting completely soaked. Again that night we all just hung out outside on the balcony looking at the stars and talking. Many of my friends in different programs have said how lucky I am that I get along with the people in my program and I would have to agree with them. Our trip to Sardinia was perfect and the group that we went with could not have been any better. (ps of course during the trip I embarrassed myself multiple times. It included dropping two glass bottles, one at the grocery store in front of everyone and then another by the entrance of the pool. I also got mocked the whole time for how I always yell for Emma and how different things I say/ do remind all the boys of how I am in a sorority. I also got made fun of during the card game BS because I am a horrible liar which I took as a compliment)

5. Vatican City. After Sardinia, I had a few days here in Milan and then Annie and I took a 2 day trip to Rome. We left on Tuesday morning at 5 am and arrived in Rome around 9 am. I can sleep during any part of travel and Annie cannot. I even fell asleep while the plane was taxing (Annie was not too happy with me). Once we got into Rome we headed straight to Vatican City. Annie had already been to Rome so she was like my tour guide throughout the whole trip. The line to get into the Vatican wrapped around St. Peter's Square so we thought it would take us all day waiting in line but it only took 30 min. During that wait there were two couples behind us, one from France and the other from Spain. We ended up finding out the husband from Spain was the abroad director for the school that my friends are studying abroad at in Seville. They were able to give us different pointers and directions about things to see in Rome and how to get to the Colosseum (which was our next stop for the day.) Once inside St. Peter's Basilica I was shocked. The church itself is unlike anything I have ever seen before. Annie told me that the Cathedral in Saint Paul was made to look like Saint Peters but you can fit about 6 of those cathedrals into Saint Peters since it is the biggest church in the world. I also did not know that the Vatican is a city itself and is the smallest internationally recognized independent state in the world. The dome inside the Vatican is breathtaking. The amount of detail that is on it and the paintings are something that cannot even be described. Written on the dome is "Peter, you are the stone and on you I will build my church and give you the keys to heaven." Even though I am not catholic the church still amazed me. My dad’s grandparents are catholic so I took pictures of about every inch of that place so when I show them the pictures they will hopefully feel like they were actually inside. Annie’s favorite part of the Vatican and something that made me laugh so hard were the guards uniforms. Annie told me that they were designed by Michelangelo himself and boy he must have loved the circus or something because that’s what I immediately thought of when I saw the uniforms.

6. Colosseum - After the Vatican we made our way over to the Colosseum to meet up with a few of my girlfriends who are studying in Rome. We were told to meet my girlfriends at Altara della Patria also known as Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II. My friends explained that the monument holds the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with an eternal flame. The body of the unknown soldier was chosen in the 1920s from among 11 unknown remains during WWI. The tomb is always guarded by guards and the flame never goes out. It reminded me of the tomb that the US has in Washington D.C. We then started our way to the forum before the Colosseum . The Roman forum is surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings and was originally a marketplace. It was for centuries the center of Roman public life which meant it was the sight of elections, public speeches, criminal rails and even gladiatorial matches. You can still make out where various buildings or homes were but it was fascinating just thinking about how old the buildings were and that some parts of them still stand today. Our walk through the forum was pretty fast because huge storm clouds starting rolling in and then all of a sudden it started down pouring which quickly escalated into a full blown thunderstorm. We started running to the Colosseum and since we had bought the forum tickets before hand we were able to bypass the line and go right into the Colosseum. The Colosseum was a lot bigger than I could have ever pictured. Reading some of the information throughout the Colosseum was quite interesting. It was the largest amphitheater of the Roman Empire and is still considered to be one of the greatest works of the Roman time. The Colosseum could hold anywhere between 50,000 - 80,000 spectators and seats/sections were split up according to class and gender. The Colosseum was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles which would last all day and could consist of multiple shows throughout the day. After the Colosseum the girls took us to their favorite bakery and gelato shop called Old Bridge. I was so full from eating periodically throughout the day that I couldn't even finish my gelato…a first for me. We were staying in the area right outside the main part of the city called Trastevere. It is exactly what you would picture streets of Rome to be like, cobbled streets lined with Medieval houses.

7. Dinner in Rome. After getting into our bed and breakfast and taking a quick power nap, the girls came to pick Annie and myself up and took us to the best dinner we have had in Italy. We went to a restaurant called Roma Sparita and the inside felt like it was inside someone’s house. We all got the same thing: Cacio and pepe (a famous Rome dish) but what made it so wonderful was that it was served in a Parmesan bowl. I had never had anything like it. After wards we went to a few different bars to catch up and chat and at the last bar, I was able to meet up with two of my best guy friends from school. After that Annie and I went back to the bed and breakfast and fell asleep within minutes.

8. All the other tourist stuff Rome has to offer. The next day was spent seeing some of the other sights Rome has to offer. We started the day off with breakfast at a cafe where we were able to meet up with Jess and Carlie and say our goodbyes. They then helped us get on our way to the Spanish steps. These steps were built by the French to connect the Piazza di Spagna and the church at the top of the steps. They are so beautiful because they are covered in flowers and have a few different parts where it levels off for a lookout over the Piazza/buildings surrounding it. After that we made our way to Piazza de Popolo which we recognized immediately from the Lizzie McGuire Movie when she rides on the Vespa with Paolo. There are twin churches on one side and fountains in the middle and on each end. We then realized we were far away from the rest of our sights so started the hike back to the main area. We took a quick food break though at a beautiful restaurant and ate our pizza outside. After our tummy’s were filled and our feet had gotten to relax we headed to the Trevi fountain in hopes of finding Paolo. The Trevi fountain has no roads going up to it so no cars can drive by, it only has streets which made it a little bit difficult for us to find (since we had NO MAP THIS WHOLE TIME) but we just started following the various tour groups who led us right there. The fountain is gorgeous. Neptune is in the middle and then there are various statutes surrounding him. I of course had to get the cliché trevi pic so thank goodness Annie was patient because I threw a few coins into the fountain that day. After that we headed to the Pantheon, which honestly was smaller than I thought. It’s not small at all just after seeing the Vatican and Coliseum the day before my eyes got used to the huge sights. The Pantheon means "all Gods" and was commissioned to be a temple to all gods of ancient Rome. The dome is still the world’s largest unreinforced concrete dome and at the center there is a perfect circle where you can see the sky. After that was Piazza Navona and in the middle is a fountain which represents the four rivers of the world. Throughout the Piazza there were various street vendors selling a variety of items and then surrounding the Piazza were restaurants and Spanish colored buildings. On either end are two other fountains. The Piazza throughout time has hosted various events, activities and festivals. We then decided to try to find Campo di firori and then make our way back over to the Colosseum (right after #9) to see it while it was nice outside. On our way we stopped at Largo di Torre Argentina which is a square in Rome that hosts 4 Roman temples and the remains of Pompeys Theatre. My friends told us that located in it is the Toree Argentina Cat Sanctuary, which is a shelter for homeless cats and many people go down there to feed and take care of those cats. Since I don't care for cats, we did not go down there.

9. Falling on the side walk. So far my trip to Rome had no moments of me dropping something or falling but that was about to change. With less than two hours left on our trip we were trying to find our last sight of the day before we headed back to the airport:  Campo Di Firori which is another Piazza in Rome and is known for having some of the best markets. Well we couldn't find it and finally gave up so on our way to the Colosseum, while walking on the side walk, I tripped over my own feet and fell super hard. My camera, since it was around my neck, also fell with me and so I was laying there worried that I broke my camera while Annie was worried I broke my ankle or something worse since I wasn't moving. Also, during the time of me on the ground a few Italian taxi men ran up to me to see if I was okay but I wasn’t answering to them either. When I finally found out my camera worked I got up and started laughing, so Annie knew I was okay. We were dying of laughter but then all of a sudden looked at my knee and it was starting to gush blood. Luckily Annie had horrible blisters so she had a few extra Band-Aids and then just my luck a random Italian man was walking by with bags of paper towels so gave me a few. After the Colosseum we made our way back to the airport and were on our way home to Milan.

10. I have about 7 friends studying in Rome and being able to see all of them was wonderful. Jess, my roommate from freshman, sophomore and next year spent the most time with us and was a wonderful tour guide. Seeing some of my best friends, even if it was for a quick time, made the trip worth it. Most of them have been traveling together and I have been traveling with my program so it is nice to be able to actually talk and hug them in person rather than a quick 10 min Facebook chat conversation every few days. We would not have been able to do Rome without my friends so a special thanks goes out to some of my favorite girls!

During the bike ride

A look out from the final destination of the cliffs

My biker gang

Inside Neptune's Grotto

Another look out from the cliffs

The stairs to get to Neptune's Grotto known as "goats steps"

From the boys balcony looking over the villa and olive oil trees

Some of the Madison folks in Sardinia

In Saint Peter's Square

The dome inside of Saint Peters Basilica

Inside Saint Peter's Basilica

Guards uniforms at the Vatican

We're pretty sure all the chairs were in preparation for Easter Mass

Altare della Patria

Rome Forum (you can see the clouds coming in)

My fabulous tour guides

Inside the Colosseum

Inside the Colosseum
The beautiful Colosseum from the outside on the 2nd day

Our gelato at Old Bridge

Middle of the Spanish Steps

On top of the Spanish Steps

Piazza del Popolo

Trevi Fountain
Throwing my coin into the Trevi

Realized I have no pictures with the pizza in Italy. Yes this is the normal size in Italy

Outside the Pantheon

The perfect circle inside the Pantheon

The main fountain of Piazza Navona

These were the buildings and restaurants surrounding Piazza Navona

I know it doesn't look very bad but I promise you I destroyed my knee during that fall!!

The Roman Cat Sanctuary

Finally reunited with my bestie in Rome. Is our life real??

Finally the three best friends reunited